DISCLAIMER: The information provided below is a summary of the project. Addenda and other bid changes will be distributed by email only to Plan Holders with email addresses, and will be posted on the DPW Electronic Bid Documents Download Site.
DPW is not liable for damages or costs incurred in connection with the use of, or any reliance upon, any information contained on this website. The bid information is subject to typographical error.

Contract Details

Public Works ID No:
RFQ for a Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) with Design-Build Core Trade Subcontractors for the Traffic Company and Forensic Services Division Facility Project
Request for Bids or Qualifications/Proposals
Estimated Cost/Contract Amount:
Approximately $95,000,000.00
Due Date:
Due Time:
Bid/Proposal Submission Location:
Respondents shall submit their RFQ Application submittal documents no later than 4:00 PM on Tuesday August 9, 2016 addressed to: San Francisco Public Works Project Management Division 30 Van Ness Avenue, 4th floor San Francisco, CA 94102 Attn: Michael Rossetto Re: TRAFFIC COMPANY AND FORENSIC SERVICES DIVISION
consecutive calendar days
Project Zip Code:
Advertisement Date:
Contact Type Contact Name Contact Email
Project Manager Michael Rossetto ESERTCFSD@sfdpw.org
Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Conference
30 Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94102
A RFQ Informational Conference will be held at 3:00 PM on Tuesday July 19, 2016.
Project Scope
Project Description
The Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response (“ESER”) Bond measure of 2014 will relocate the San Francisco Police Department (“SFPD”) Traffic Company (motorcycle police) and the crime laboratory to a new single facility located at 1995 Evans Avenue, previously the home of Parisian Bakeries, Inc. San Francisco Public Works (“Public Works”) announces a Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) inviting interested parties to submit their qualifications for evaluation to be pre-qualified and eligible to respond to a forthcoming Request for Proposal (“RFP”) to perform pre-construction and construction services for the SFPD Traffic Company and Forensic Services Division (“TC&FSD”) Facility Project. Interested parties responding (“Respondents”) to this RFQ are to be Construction Manager/General Contractor (“CM/GC”) teams consisting of the CM/GC and specified Core Trade Subcontractors in a design-build capacity capable of performing preconstruction services, hazardous materials abatement and demolit
Project Links
Insurance Type Amount
  1. Written questions regarding the RFQ shall be directed to Michael Rossetto at ESERTCFSD@sfdpw.org no later than 4:00 PM on Friday July 22, 2016.
  2. Late submissions will not be considered.
  3. Work shall identify and comply with all current code requirements including requirements for an Essential Facility, Accessibility and Sustainability.
  4. Scope of work will include analysis and coordination to develop a strategy and check-list to achieve USGBC LEED Gold certification for the project.
Bid Documents or RFQ/P Package
  1. Digital files of the RFQ Package may be downloaded at no cost from the https://stgint.sfdpw.org/biddocs/pages/default.aspx.
  2. Please visit the DPW’s Contracts, Bid Opportunities and Payments webpage at www.sfdpw.org for more information.
  3. Notices regarding Addenda and other proposal changes will be distributed by email to Plan Holders.
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